Faina's kitchen car is the only Ukrainian food car in Japan, and is based in Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, delivering authentic Ukrainian food to the Tokyo metropolitan area, Kansai, and Tokai areas. We are spreading the taste of Ukraine in Japan and carrying out cultural connections and support activities.
キッチンカー メニュー
当店では、ウクライナの人気料 理をご提供。もちもちクレープ生地に具材を包んだ「ムレンツィ」、ウクライナのフルーツジュース「ウズバル」、夏にぴったりの冷製スープ「オクローシカ」そして世界3大スープ「ボルシチ」など、当店でしか味わえないお料理を多数ご用意。当店で、本場ウクライナの美味しいお料理をお楽しみください!
Upcoming events
09/21 Yoyogi Park, PEACE DAY 10:00-19:00
09/27-28 SKREEN Holdings, 976-5 Shite, Taga-cho, Inukami-gun, Shiga Prefecture, 522-0314, company event, 15:00-19:00
09/28 Higashi Hongan-ji Temple Marche, 10:00-16:00
Telephone: 070-9118-4662
Email: faina.ukraine1299@gmail.com
Instagram: @faina.foods
Business hours: 10:00〜19:00
Supported areas: Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Tokyo Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture
Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries or requests regarding events, festivals, or markets.